Volcano alert level changed from orange to yellow
A look into the new 2021 crater (Photo credit UWI SRC)
Press Release
September 16, 2021

Volcano alert level changed from orange to yellow

The Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the advice of Scientists from the Seismic  Research Centre, University of the West Indies, has taken the decision to lower the Volcanic Alert Level  from Orange to Yellow. Activities at the La Soufriere have declined for the last three (3) months and are consistent with a period of unrest following eruptive magmatic activity (explosive eruption) which can  be seen by the emission of hot, degassing, near surface magma at the summit of the volcano.  

A YELLOW alert means that the Volcano is still restless: seismic or fumarolic activity or both are above  the historical level at the volcano but have reduced significantly since the last eruption on 22nd April,  2021.  

The lowering of the Volcano Alert Level to Yellow means that all residents who previously evacuated  can now return to their homes, this includes residents of the communities of Point and Fancy. All  persons in emergency shelters should return to their homes by Monday 20th September, 2021, once it is  habitable.  

Access to the volcano remains off limit as hot gases are still being emitted from the volcano and hot  rocks are possible at the surface. The landscape leading to the summit has changed significantly since  the eruptions making it extremely difficult to maintain ones footing which may result in injuries.  

Lahars (flood waters mixed with ash, other volcanic materials, mud, debris, and rocks) and heavy  steaming/degassing will continue for some time during periods of heavy rainfall. Residents and  motorists in areas close to the volcano and persons traversing rivers and streams during periods of heavy  rainfall should always remain vigilant.