Press Release
September 3, 2021

Government searching for private houses to rent

THE MINISTRY of National Mobilisation with responsibility for Social Protection of the poor and vulnerable is hereby sending out a call to request for registration of landlords willing to provide rental services for displaced families to be jointly sponsored by Government and the Red Cross.

Persons who are interested in this registration process can use the link attached below.

All persons interested in registering face to face must come to the administration building to do so; the building is located directly opposite the First Caribbean International Bank, in the old GECCU Building on Halifax St in Kingstown. They will be required to bring the following with them: Their ID card/passport/Driver’s License; National Insurance Service(NIS) Card; Banking information to secure payment; Location of rental property; rental cost of property inclusive of utilities; Number of bedrooms on the site available and must specify what furnishings are included. 1FAIpQLSdUdmdKV77iABpJi8BkPsHXup- aZ-6OCtsHV5DG6_UMdTbKTA/viewform? usp=sf_link