Easter Weekend 2020 among the most quiet in years – Police
Press Release
April 18, 2020

Easter Weekend 2020 among the most quiet in years – Police

Easter Weekend 2020 was one of the most quiet and peaceful in recent years.

In a release dated April 16, the Commissioner of Police, Colin John, and members of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF) thanked Vincentians for “their cooperation and commendable behaviour over the past Easter Weekend.”

It noted that the public “generally” adhered to advisories introduced by the Government concerning COVID-19.

An Easter advisory, penned by the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Simone Keizer-Beache, asked the public to adhere to the ‘STAY SAFE! STAY AT HOME!’ practice for four days, from Good Friday to Easter Monday, refraining from activities such as church services, goat cooks and beach outings.

It also asked the minibuses not being used to take essential workers to work, to stay off the road.

“While there were incidents of crimes reported, including a homicide which was committed on [April 9]; Easter Weekend 2020 has been one of the most quiet and peaceful in recent years,” the release asserts.

It continues that over the weekend, a total of 30 crimes were reported to the 21 police stations, the Narcotics Unit and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), which is down from the numbers in 2019, and 2018, which were 44, and 54 respectively.

“The 2020 figures show a 44.44 per cent decrease over 2018 and 31.82 per cent over 2019 respectively,” the police noted.

However, the recorded vehicular accidents across the same period for 2018, 2019 and 2020 show fluctuations in that “seven accidents were reported in 2018, one in 2019 and five in 2020.”

“The Commissioner of Police thanks the public for its invaluable support and goodwill. Together, we can make St. Vincent and the Grenadines a safer and more peaceful country. Remember to be your “brother’s keeper” and “If You See Something Say Something”. STAY SAFE! and be LAW ABIDING!,” the release ends.