VINLEC Generation Department Staff trained in Vibration Analysis
Participants measuring vibration reading on an air compressor
Press Release
March 3, 2020

VINLEC Generation Department Staff trained in Vibration Analysis

Seven persons assigned to the Generation Department at St Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC) completed three days of training in Vibration Analysis last Friday.

Vibration Analysis is a predictive form of maintenance which measures the amount of wasted energy and can determine why a particular piece of equipment is failing at an early stage. The main objectives of this training are to understand the fundamentals of machinery vibrations and to apply vibration analysis to common problems in rotating machinery.

This course introduces participants to the fundamental concepts of vibrations using simple demonstrations and analogies. It is focused on the practical aspects of rotating machinery vibrations. The participants are being provided with additional training on how to use the hand held VPod Pro Vibration Analysis equipment to improve the maintenance and avoid catastrophic mechanical failures.

Currently, Generation maintenance staff perform recommended inspections of equipment which helps VINLEC to be able to provide a reliable source of electricity throughout the country. Anticipated benefits from this training include the prevention of unpredictable mechanical failures, avoiding major repairs or part replacements, shorter maintenance periods and an extension to the machine’s life cycle.

Personnel who are involved in the maintenance of the Company’s equipment at Power Plants are participating in the course. The Vibration Analysis course began on Wednesday February 26th at the Cane Hall Engineering Complex. It is being facilitated by Haffiz Yathali (CMRP), Course Instructor at YATS Engineering Limited.