Deadline for CIC extended to March 31
Press Release
February 25, 2020

Deadline for CIC extended to March 31

Young people in St Vincent and the Grenadines now have another opportunity to participate in the 8th edition of the Caribbean Innovation Competition.

The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT), who are the organizers of the competition, has advised its local partner, the Centre for Enterprise Development Inc. (CED) that the deadline to register for the Caribbean Innovation Competition 8.0 is extended to 6:00 p.m on Tuesday, March 31.

“This extension means that local young entrepreneurs will now have more time to register in the 8th Edition of the Caribbean Innovation Competition 2020, if they have not done so already,” says CED Training Coordinator Keisha Phillips. “This will also allow for the teams that have already registered to continue developing and uploading their projects and business ideas in the virtual platform of the program.”

The CIC priority areas this year are Adaptation, Mitigation and Prevention, and according to Miss Phillips, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to present innovative solutions, tools, and mechanisms that will help the Caribbean region adjust to the realities of Climate Change, while creating economic opportunities and sustainable businesses.

The entrepreneurs participating in the CIC 8.0 will also receive further training and mentoring throughout the program, and also international visibility of their businesses during the Finals of CIC, organized during the official activities of the 50th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS),

This year, there is a special focus for projects providing innovative and sustainable solutions to Sargassum, Natural Disasters and Climate Change. Entrepreneurs can register and the upload their business plans and other deliverables via

“The CED and the YABT are therefore inviting entrepreneurs who are 18 to 34 years old, and have innovative solutions, to register on or before March 31 for this competition. The Finalists from each category will receive a full scholarship to participate in the Finals, along with the possibility of winning seed capital, access to networking during the event and in follow-up activities, and exposure to international media.”

The Caribbean Innovation Competition (CIC) was started in 2012 as a part of the Youth-IN Initiative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Barbados and the OECS, by the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT), an International organization that promotes economic and social development of young people through entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership and active participation.