Soca Artiste helps school start Book Club
Local Soca Artiste Recardo “Recka” Wilson continued with his efforts to assist schools across the country last Thursday November 14, when his organization Island Boy Entertainment and Shella Posse Charity Organization made a donation to assist the Dr J P Eustace Secondary School to start a Book Club.
Partnering with business houses and individuals at home and abroad such as GECCU, Log Enterprises, Flow Wine Bar, SVG’s Consul General to Toronto Fitz Huggins, Hot97, St Vincent Trust Services Limited and DOTS Tennis Services, Wilson donated 22 printed Polo Shirts to the school to start the Book Club.
Wilson is no stranger to school donations as his organization travels to schools across the country to make donations under the program “Shelling for Education” and he says as long as he lives the organization will continue to assist children across the country to receive an education.
Recka says the organization plans to return to the Dr JP Eustace Secondary School to make another donation of cleaning supplies in collaboration with LOG Enterprises and they will also be sourcing some reading materials and other items to assist with the growth of the school’s Book Club.
Also during this Christmas season, Island Boy Entertainment and Shella Posse Charity Organization is also preparing to hold its 7th annual Christmas Charity Program dubbed “2 Christmas in 1” where the organization visits a school and holds a Christmas party and toy drive for all the children of that school and surrounding communities and they also donate of food packages to the sick, elderly, shut in and less fortunate within those communities.
So far the program has been held in Georgetown on a number of occasions, Sandy Bay, South Rivers and Stubbs.
This year the program will be held at two schools which are the Kingstown Anglican School and the Tourama Government School in Overland on December 21 and 22.