The Health Challenges of Nurses
Physician's Weekly
September 9, 2022
The Health Challenges of Nurses

Nurses innately have hearts of gold, they unselfishly dedicate their working lives, respectively, to caring for the rest of us while often being oblivious to many of the hazards that may be lurking in their working environment.

I have dedicated this installation to the plethora of health challenges that can confront our dear nurses over the course of their respective careers.

Infectious diseases: Nurses are at an increased risk of contracting from their patients infectious microorganisms – e.g. viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and prions. Infections they can contract include respiratory tract infections, COVID-19, monkeypox, Hepatitis B & C, chicken pox, measles, skin infections, MRSA infections, tuberculosis, scabies, HIV (very low risk), and more. These microorganisms can also precipitate allergic reactions and harm nurses by way of their toxins.

Injuries: Having to lift and handle patients who are immobile and in many instances bedridden and overweight, nurses have an inherently increased chance of suffering a musculoskeletal injury. Excessive exertion, bending, twisting, lifting and repetitive motion make nurses more prone to injuries. Muscles, nerves, cartilage, and discs of the back, trunk and upper and lower extremities can be injured. Being overworked, and overexerted increases the risk of injury. Nurses, especially those over 45, have an increased chance of tripping, slipping, and falling at work when compared to persons of other occupations. Accidental needle sticks can expose nurses to Hepatitis B, C, and HIV.

Stress/ depression/ anxiety/ clinical burnout: Nurses most likely to be stressed work with the terminally ill, in ICUs, ERs, or ORs.

Working long hours, having irregular schedules, becoming emotionally invested in their patients, confrontational patients/ families, short-of-staff departments, challenging working conditions, and the politics, especially promotional, within the profession, often contribute to suboptimal mental health. A Canadian study showed that over the course of their career, 33% of nurses experienced a major depressive disorder, 26% reported a generalized anxiety disorder, and 29% suffered clinical burnout.

Cancers: Female nurses who worked 6 or more night shifts per month for 5 years or more, especially if they started in their younger years, had a 58% increase in the incidence of breast cancer. They also had an increased risk of developing lung and gastrointestinal cancers.

Sleeping disorders: Among nurses, sleeping disorders are 50% higher than in the general population. The reasons are job stress, anxiety, depression, irregular and nighttime shifts.

Ionizing radiation exposure: Nurses working in the radiology department and emergency room have the highest risk of exposure. The consequences of long-term exposure can include miscarriages, babies born with birth defects, and cancer.

Chemical exposure: Nurses who work with antineoplastic drugs (i.e. chemotherapeutic agents) may experience irritation of the skin and eyes, allergic reactions, and cancers. Their babies may be born with congenital anomalies. Sterilizing agents (e.g. ethylene oxide) can cause birth defects and cancer. Long-term exposure to anesthetic gases can cause kidney and liver disorders and in some instances lead to birth defects and miscarriages. Besides skin and eye irritation, formaldehyde can cause occupational asthma. Glutaraldehyde used for the cold sterilization of instruments (e.g. endoscopes, dialysis) may cause liver toxicity.

With the appropriate interventions, many of these health consequences of nursing can be prevented. If they were to arise, timely and relevant interventions can significantly mitigate the sequelae of these disorders.

Next Friday, I will look at: “The Health Challenges of Airport Workers”.

Author: Dr. C. Malcolm Grant – Family Physician, c/o Family Care Clinic, Arnos Vale,,, 1(784)570-9300 (Office), 1(784)455-0376 (WhatsApp)
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