Flow not flowing
EDITOR: In a recent release by FLOW we are informed that there would be an adjustment in the broadband price. One would have thought that they would reduce the price, instead we are told that the price would be raised and that the internet speed would increase.
While increasing the speed is good, many of us have encountered very poor service from this company. I must commend them for an improvement in time a person is given attendance while at the office. I wish the same or even greater attention be paid to have problems dealt with when they are reported.
Now with the closure of the payment line at FLOW and all the bill payments are being done at Lynks, that is another reduction in their service to us, the customers. If there is any query on a bill, you have to go back down to FLOW’s office to have it dealt with. What is of major concern is the lack of appreciation for customers. Imagine a customer’s service is not functioning and the fault is reported and you are told that it would be fixed within 48 hours. Yet those 48 hours go into weeks before it is dealt with. To crown it off, there is likely no rebate or reduction for the loss of service. This to me is ROBBERY.
Mine is not an isolated case, there are many customers treated this way with no redress. Come to think of it, they have no competition so they can carry on their merry way. With such poor service and lack of appreciation for customers, I would have thought that FLOW would have been adjusting their charges lower and not higher.
I have known of customers who experienced that lack of respect and appreciation and they tried to get a rebate or refund to no avail. Although if you speak with one of the agents or technicians they would apologize and tell you to take it up with the management, only to be ignored. FLOW really is not Flowing.
Thanks for your space and time.
Kennard King