Recommendations to resolve crime
Our Readers' Opinions
January 5, 2024

Recommendations to resolve crime

Editor: It goes without saying that crime is not a novelty. It’s a menace that has plagued society since time immemorial, Genesis 4:8. Unfortunately, because human beings are inherently sinful, crime will continue to make its ugly presence felt. And especially so as perpetrators continue to employ new tactics to evade the law.

Be that as it may, no stone must be left unturned in our effort to confront this sinister situation. To throw in the towel is not an option. Every legitimate means available must be maximized to keep it in abeyance. With each hand on deck, crime can be defeated. The criminals can be silenced and brought to justice.

One might ask, how can we accomplish this Herculean task that has escalated to lamentable levels and spiralling down a precipice? How can we guarantee peace and security for our people? How do we take back our nation from the hands of those who want to take us hostage? Also, from the grips of those who have no respect for the dignity of human life? Here are three recommendations.

One, include conflict resolution in the school academic curriculum. Make it a subject matter at all levels of the educational learning process. Arming our children with the relevant skills, tools, competencies and knowledge how to resolve conflict is integral for a safer society. Conflict is an unavoidable fact of life.

A reality that confronts all of us every day though in different ways and degrees.

Being able to manage it in an amicable, mature and respectful manner could save lives. If the truth be told, some of the crimes that have been committed are linked to domestic, relational, business and work disputes; disputes which in many instances could have been resolved without violence through the application of the principles of conflict resolution.

Adding conflict resolution to the school academic curriculum may not produce immediate results, but with time, it will prove successful and a worthy investment.

Two, rebuild the family altar. In many homes across the length and breadth of this blessed nation, the family altar has long been broken down. Even in the homes of some professed Christians, there is a vivid absence of family worship, devotion, prayer and spirituality. In many homes God’s name is seldom called. And if it is called, it is only in passing, not as the one in control. In others, the Bible sits on a shelf gathering dust. Yea, crying out for attention; it has become a forgotten souvenir. Those responsible to teach its binding principles to children are so occupied with Facebook and WhatsApp that they don’t have time to read its sacred pages, nor bring the family together for morning devotion.

The importance of the family altar could never be overemphasized. It’s an avenue not only for the family to pray together and experience spiritual transformation, but also to teach discipline, morality, love, forgiveness, compassion and respect for the dignity of human life. The family altar is an integral aspect of daily life for which there is no substitute. What a travesty that family devotion, a priceless antidote to combat crime and lawlessness has been left to disintegrate.

It is said that home is first school and first church. Notwithstanding, the cornerstone of the nation,how the home goes, so goes the church and the nation. Rebuilding the family altar doesn’t mean everyone will turn out spotless and pure. But rest assured it will contribute to crime reduction. The proverb is true- you can’t plant banana and reap corn, Galatians 6:8.

Three, employment. Currently, and for a while now this country continues to have a relatively high unemployment rate. While the government cannot provide work for everyone, there is much it can do to better the present situation. Whether directly or indirectly, it has a responsibility to generate work so its people can experience a better standard of living. And with the same breath alleviate poverty; poverty is prevalent across this island. The excessive high price of goods and services only serve to add to the existing burden. While unemployment is not a passport to engage in criminal activities, it accounts for many of the violence behaviours [wreaking] havoc in our nation. And though crime has been committed by
persons who are employed, it does not exempt the government from its obligation to the people, regardless of political affiliation.

There is an abundance of human resource in this country. The opportunities to maximize or put those resources to optimum and productive use is evidently lacking. Given the opportunity, many adults and youths who are currently unemployed will make better use of their time and energies. They will contribute meaningful, not only to their families, but also to nation building. The saying, “the devil finds work for idle hands to do” bears significance. It cannot be overstated that employment is one way to alleviate crime.

It is hoped that these recommendations will fall on good grounds. The sooner the issue of crime is brought under control, the better.

The Watch Dog