No one takes responsibility
Our Readers' Opinions
November 10, 2023

No one takes responsibility

EDITOR: The crime rate is spiralling out of control, yet no one seems to want to take responsibility. The criminals seem to pass it off as a way of life. The challenging economic times are no excuse for deviant behaviour. Lack of employable skills should motivate individuals to find something of interest within reach to pursue learning.

The missed opportunity of apprenticeship usurped by schools could be made up for. Only it would be more difficult. Schools should take the responsibility to enable us to be better at what we do. With proper planning, schools can teach life to live skills without jeopardizing a sound academic future. There must be a balance in what can be done with the available time, with the kind of students we have. Schools at all levels should teach students survival skills in their current environment.

Although community policing is an important aspect of crime fighting, policy makers seem to have no interest in it. Criminals need to know that they are likely to be caught because the police have the requisite skills to gather evidence to solve crime and have the confidence of the community to do so.

Who will take responsibility for us to live within our means, to balance our budget, to service our debts, to pay our bills on time? Who will keep meaningful records and provide timely audits for last year’s spending so that we can adequately plan for the next year?

Who will take responsibility for providing the family with adequate nutritious food so that our health and vigour can be maintained? How much can we grow ourselves and what can we source from our neighbors? Who is responsible for creating the climate for this to occur?

With diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease out of control, who will take responsibility to curb these lifestyle diseases?

Will fitness and diet become part of our health establishments? What is the status of the wellness revolution? What role do food service providers play?

We must take responsibility for matters within our control and require those whom we have put in place to attend to their duties.

Anthony G. Stewart, PhD