Governments should play proactive role in helping us ‘beat the heat’
Our Readers' Opinions
August 25, 2023

Governments should play proactive role in helping us ‘beat the heat’

EDITOR: Global warming is the number 1 existential threat to mankind’s survival… We all need to become acutely aware of the mitigating measures that we can adopt in order to give ourselves, respectively, the best chance of “beating this heat”…

Our governments need to up their game by playing a proactive and pragmatic role in countering the impact of global warming on their respective societies.

Below are some suggestions:
1. Duty free concessions for reflective/ rooftop paints
2. Duty free concession for window awnings
3. Duty free concessions for alternative energy powered AC units
4. Legislating revised building codes in order to ensure that “cooler buildings” are constructed going forward
5. Paint the rooftops of all schools with reflective paint
6. Other

C. Malcolm Grant