Heroes should be recognized when they are alive
The late Arthur Dr Cecil Cyrus
Our Readers' Opinions
May 19, 2023

Heroes should be recognized when they are alive

EDITOR: I speak in reference to the late Doctor Arthur Cecil Cyrus, a renowned Vincentian Surgeon who was indeed a hero and nation builder.

This medical practitioner who is said to have made such an extraordinary contribution to St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the medical field and other specialities should have been honoured when he was alive.

Yvette Gittens

It is time we stop the tradition of honouring people when they have passed on. In my opinion, it is only in your life can you enjoy your accomplishments and achievements.

The grave is so full of many talents and with that, I am reminded how inevitable death is.

The Bible speaks clearly on this topic, as it relates to the brevity of life. James 4: 14 reads:- Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

Ecclesiastes 9:5 NIV also expounds on the fact that the dead cannot be rewarded. For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward and even their name is forgotten.

Doctor Cyrus documented his experiences through books and his love of research can be shown through the museum which contains samples of his work. He did indeed inculcate dignity and hope in the children he served as well as adults.

I do not know much about Dr. Cyrus but what I would have heard and the little I have seen with my own eyes tells me that he was passionate in whatever he did.

It was my very first time hearing Dr. Cyrus’s name, over 25 years ago, when he had to attend to a broken shin of one of my past brothers in Christ. That’s when I first got to learn about the skill of Dr. Cyrus. He had a private hospital which I learn existed in the outskirts of Kingstown, St. Vincent.

This hospital served many Vincentians, especially children.

Mr. Samuel’s foot was damaged badly from the game of football but [Dr] Cyrus with his medical skills and mastermind was able to conduct a skin graft on Mr. Samuel to fix the damaged leg so that he was able to walk again.

I asked that heroes be recognized while they are alive. Their sacrifices and commitment should be given honour to while they are alive so they can be proud of their own achievements.

As I end this article, I would like the Argyle International Airport to be named after the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves International Airport. It was the Prime Minister’s will-power to see that an international airport was constructed. Even though the hopes of some were dismal, he was energized by the fact that it can be done. He saw it come to fruition. What if everybody had said no? I implore you to think about these things.

Yvette Gittens, Early Childhood practitioner and literacy specialist