Union Island’s Emancipation Park
Our Readers' Opinions
April 6, 2023

Union Island’s Emancipation Park

EDITOR: Emancipation Park, Union Island continues to take shape and is fast becoming the favourite recreation spot in the island. Recently attempts were made by the Government to acquire the lands of the park that are owned by the family of the Honourable Mary Hutchinson. The 12 picnic tables may not be sufficient to accommodate the influx of visitors this Easter season.

The land space can accommodate a pitch for cricket, and netball and rounders areas are in place. The Van Gordon well on the north of the park needs to be tested to determine the water quality. While the manchineel trees on the water’s edge do a good job in protecting the shore line, they need to be replaced by less toxic vegetation. The two neem trees represent a good start. Sea grapes, mangrove, almond, cedar, and tamarind are some that are known to withstand the harsh conditions of the seashore.

The park was visited recently by retired islander Dr. Kendall Stewart and his wife Selene Mulzac Stewart. We discussed the possibility of setting up a physical therapy/ rehab hotel on the nearby lands that he owns. When the Minister of Health, Hon’ Jimmy Prince visited

about two months ago he should have seen the potential of the park to become part of the Wellness revolution programme and recommend it to the leader. In this national heritage month, as descendants of slaves, we continue to celebrate our freedom and treasure the moments when we can come apart at Emancipation Park to be refreshed, and rejuvenated after the busy stresses of living here without running water and away from all the amenities of Central Government. Nevertheless, we bask in the economic opportunity of gathering sea moss from the shallow waters surrounding the park.

Local health care continues to improve with two resident doctors, one dentist, a smart hospital, a fitness Center, span Garden field Park, and now Emancipation Park.We look forward to the Ashton Playing Field.

Anthony G. Stewart, PhD