What is the Name of the Heavenly Father?
Our Readers' Opinions
February 3, 2023

What is the Name of the Heavenly Father?

EDITOR: Are you still searching for that group of true worshippers within whose midst dwells the message of salvation which has descended all the way from the era of our Saviour? What kind of a name would you be looking for, that these True Worshippers would be carrying? Do names really have much to do with True Worship?

The question which is posed by the title of this article is one which has been asked of every reader of the Inspired Scriptures from antiquity. It is even found in
Proverbs 30:4, “Who has ascended up into heaven, and descended? Who has gathered the wind in his fists?

Who has bound the waters in his garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name if you know?”

Did you know that the personal name of our Heavenly Father can be plainly found in the Hebrew Scriptures? It is found as a four-letter word (commonly known as the Tetragrammaton). In Hebrew, it is represented by the letters יהוה. This name is transliterated Yahweh. Many Bible translators clearly admit that it is Yahweh. This name is derived from a verb which means “to be”, “to exist”, “to cause to become” or “to come to pass”. It is found 6823 times in the Bible and it is usually translated as the l-rd in the King James text.

Occasionally it is translated as g-d. The term “Lord” is not a name, but a title which cannot represent the unique word that stands for the Name of the Almighty.

The term “god” is used to indicate any object of worship. The term “Jehovah” is a combination of the Tetragrammaton and the vowels in the Hebrew word for ‘Lord.’ The scribes created and substituted this name because they shrank back from using the revealed personal Sacred Name of our Creator, under the misconception that they would misuse or blaspheme the Name if they used it.

But why substitute other names in the place of the Sacred Name when Yahweh forthrightly says in Isaiah 42:8, “I am Yahweh, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to carved images.”?

Let us immediately begin to read the name “Yahweh” into the Bible’s text when we encounter the place where it should rightfully appear.

We in the Assemblies of Yahweh place heavy emphasis on the Sacred Names. Why is this so? The Bible speaks very clearly on the vital importance of using the correct name when referring to our Heavenly Father. Let us search the scriptures with an open mind. Psalm 83:18 reveals that there is only ONE name for the Almighty. It reads “And they shall know that your name is Yahweh alone, Most High over all the earth.” In Exodus 3:14-15, Yahweh commands Moses to tell the children of Israel that Yahweh is His name, and that this name is to be used forever as a memorial to all generations.

The phrase “to all generations” indicates that it is meant for every ethnic group in every age of time. It was never meant only for the Jews. The term “memorial” means that this name is how Yahweh wishes to be remembered. In Isaiah 52:6, it is prophesied that Yahweh’s people will know His name. We are commanded not to use any other names besides the One that Yahweh himself has chosen.

We can find this in passages such as Exodus 23:13, Joshua 23:7 and Psalm 16:4.

Friends, and people of good will, if you look within the Scriptures, you would know that a great tribulation is very imminent. The Almighty tells us that we may find protection and salvation by trusting in the Sacred Name (Proverbs 18:10, Joel 2:32).

Malachi 3:16-17 says that a book of remembrance is to be written containing the names of those who fear YAHWEH and think upon His Name as they speak often one to

“And they shall be mine, says Yahweh of hosts even my own possession, in the day that I make; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him.”
By trusting in the majestic name of our Heavenly Father Yahweh, the members of the Assemblies of Yahweh are not trying to be disagreeable, but sensible and obedient to the inspired Word.

Will you be also?

Ulrika Sutherland