Youlou Radio Movement says thank you
Our Readers' Opinions
December 6, 2022

Youlou Radio Movement says thank you

EDITOR:When our good friend and benefactor OT Mayers passed away earlier this year, he among other things requested that no flowers or funeral service be held for him because he preferred the ‘flowers when he could smell and enjoy them’ (paraphrased). I felt a sense of relief that seven years earlier, during our 20th anniversary as a non-profit, community service organization, OT was our guest of honour at an awards giving ceremony held on Mayreau.

We all had a good sea food dinner (compliments Kelly Glass) at Combination Restaurant, Zannie Adams being the main chef.

At that awards giving ceremony in my citation for OT, I said that we prefer to honour our benefactors and supporters while they are alive, so that they could appreciate the kind sentiments offered, which they so rightly deserve.

On that occasion we had ordered a quantity of seamoss ice cream and fell short of some funds to pay for the ice cream. So thinking quickly we decided to hold a Chinese auction for one gallon of ice cream, and of course OT came out the highest bidder at the amount required to pay for the ice cream.We all had a good time as we also planned a visit to the Tobago Cays.

November is widely known and celebrated as Thanksgiving month, the last Thursday designated as Thanksgiving or Turkey Day, mainly in North America. On Wednesday, November 23 and on the following day, two Thanksgiving activities were held by theYRM [Youlou Radio Movement].

On Wednesday, Keith Boyea, CEO of BMC Agencies, and agents for Amerijet Intl, received an award in recognition of his tangible support to the RRL/ YRM and on the following day,Thursday, November 24,Thanksgiving Day, a dual awards ceremony was held with the Executive Director of the NTRC, Apollo Knights.

Presenting the award to Knights, was founding member and IT Director of the RRL/YRM Sean Patterson, while Executive Director of the RRL/ YRM Donald De Riggs received a crystal award from the NTRC for his organisation’s (RRL/YRM) contribution in the area of emergency communications (Emcoms) and training for radio amateurs in SVG, as well as being team leader for a group of Medical and Emcoms first responders to Dominica following Hurricane Maria in 2017.

The NTRC has supported the RRL/YRM and co-sponsored our training activities, while the RRL/ YRM has historically assisted the NTRC with the training of their staff leading up to a ham radio license, as well as to assist with the dismantling and erection of antennas for their ham radio station, before and after the annual hurricane season.

The NTRC celebrated its 20th anniversary in September, 2022 and Donald De Riggs was named one of the 20 persons to be recognized.

It is with a great sense of appreciation and gratitude that we are honoring these outstanding Vincentians. Keith Boyea, via Amerijet has transported emergency radio equipment for our organization pro bono from the US to SVG; earlier this year we presented awards to John Crichton of Right Stuff; Mary (J88AM) and Martin (J88AA) Barnard from Barefoot Charters, Barrett Communications from Australia and the latest but not last, to our “Big Brother” in telecommunications, the NTRC. An award was also presented to our most senior Ham and Technical Director, Claude Richards J85M a few months before he departed this earth.

All of these individuals and organisations have in one way or another contributed to the success and effectiveness of our voluntary work. In 2025 the RRL/ YRM will be celebrating 30 years of service to SVG and the wider Caribbean.

The presentation of awards is an on going process as funding becomes available, as there are members and other sponsors of our ongoing work, worthy of acknowledgement.

In closing, with humble gratefulness for our 27 years of service, King David’s opening words of Psalms 92 is also our prayer: “It is a good thing to give Thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto Your name, O Most High .” … for withoutYou Lord, we are building in vain.

Donald De Riggs