Kudos to the RSVGPF, but there’s still room for improvement
Our Readers' Opinions
November 18, 2022

Kudos to the RSVGPF, but there’s still room for improvement

Editor: The Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines police force must be complimented for their efforts in doing selected home search and seizing guns, ammunition and illegal things.

To me this is a move in the right direction. The stop and search is also welcome.

Besides the above mentioned, the police must be complimented on stopping vehicles periodically and checking on licenses and other important things that go along with road worthiness of the vehicles. This again is a step in the right direction.

However, I think that the police need also to check on the insurance of the vehicle and not just wait until an accident occurs.

Nevertheless there are few things I need to bring to the attention for improvement.

There are far too many vehicles that continue to play music very loud. Some vigilance and alertness must be exercised in this area with the intention of dealing with these offenders.

We know that many of them can be charged in the noise act. Some of these vehicles I am wondering if the police are not aware of since many of them traverse villages where police stations are present and in some cases close to police stations.

Another area of concern is when reports are made to stations concerning incidents that may occur and they do not do anything or stay too long to act. If what we read in the media about incidents and the excuses made by the police where they say that there is no vehicles and in some cases the station is within walking distance to the home of the victim is true, then the police needs to improve in this area.

I am aware that every story has two sides, so sometimes what we may read in the media may not be the totally true. However there are some cases where the account is true and so the delay in visiting the victims home or not going at all, or in some cases a flimsy response like work it out or in cases where it is a male reporting an abuse by a lady the male is laughed at, is not acceptable.

No wonder some people don’t report anything to police, but would rather take matters into their own hands.

It is my hope that we would see a continued improvement by the RSVGPF. After all SVG belongs to all of us and every person is valuable and have worth.

Kennard King