A Kinder and gentler society needed
Our Readers' Opinions
November 11, 2022
A Kinder and gentler society needed

Editor: We are in need of a kinder and gentler society. The rise in crimes of various kinds is an indication that our society is no longer a kind and gentle society. The love for each other and the respect for one another have gone out the window in many cases. The unforgivingness and belief in God’s justice seem to be things of the past.

It is therefore clearly seen that we need a kinder and gentler society.

The responsibility for doing so is in our hands with each one of us playing our part. We as people need to put aside the political and religious differences and work together in rebuilding this kinder and gentler society where peace, love and unity will so characterize us as a people.

Our airwaves and social media must desist from the pulling down and hatred mentality and develop an attitude where we look at issues without personal attacks.

The time has come for us as a people to put Christ back into our homes and, by extension, the villages and nation as a whole. We claim to be a Christian nation but have not been living righteously. So the need exists to let Christ be placed back into our lives and see Christ as our head and role model and not religion and an individual.

In building a kinder and gentler society, we all must be willing to look out for each by removing the selfishness and bad mind that sometimes plague our country. Being willing to forgive as hard as it is, can be done once there is a willingness to do so and a determination to practice it. The respect for one another which is sadly missing needs to be put back in place if we are going to build a kinder and gentler society.

With a kinder and gentler society where we see each other as persons like us, where we are not better than anyone and no one is better than us we can achieve a kinder and gentler society. Valuing each other as individuals with worth and realizing that I as an individual have a self worth and value can help in rebuilding a kinder and gentler society.

So as we continue to see the deterioration of our society with the increase in crimes and violence it is for us as a people to take on board the famous words, “ Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”

The responsibility in rebuilding a kinder and gentler society starts with each of us, where we seek peace and unity. The bringing back of community spirit and togetherness is of importance in the quest to rebuild a kinder and gentler society.

I know that we would all agree that with a kinder and gentler society, the fears that now exist will be minimal and there would definitely be a reduction in crimes and violence.

May God bless SVG.

Kennard King