Lets take our health in hand and demand healthy lifestyle choices of our leaders
Our Readers' Opinions
October 7, 2022

Lets take our health in hand and demand healthy lifestyle choices of our leaders

IN RECENT TIMES a number of Smart Hospitals were opened to enhance our capacity to deliver better quality Health care.

Additionally, there is a promise of a new hospital.

Apparently, the new trend is for individuals to take more and more responsibility for their own health care. This is not necessarily bad. Many are encouraged to subscribe to affordable group Health Insurance.

Additionally, many have engaged special insurance for airlift to facilities elsewhere should it become necessary. Taking more responsibility for our own health care may mean purchasing the medicine prescribed by the doctor, and providing our own linen and hygiene items. Some have elected to engage their own diet and Health Aide at the hospital. Better still would be to become more active in Preventive Health Care.

The local epidemic of the lifestyle diseases of diabetes and hypertension needs to be arrested. There is too much dependence on medication in situations where diet and exercise can resolve the situation. The gyms around the country should become part of the prescription from doctors in our health care regime complementing walking, swimming, and individual exercising. Personal trainers, and Nutrition guides can play a role in helping our people maintain their health.

It is not unreasonable for us to expect adequate cooperation between Psychologists and Psychiatrists in determining the treatment modality for the presenting

patient. The traditional antagonism should be discouraged. In a similar fashion the options of Chinese medicine, and Naturopathic medicine should take their place alongside the traditional Western Medicine. A smart hospital should have the capacity to advise patients of the options available and guide them to the choice that is in their best health interest.

While we take interest in the Health of the Nation we must also concern ourselves with the health of our leaders and demand that they follow healthy lifestyle practices especially that so much depends on them. While the Grenadines would have counted it a blessing that the Minister of Grenadines Affairs had a reputation of getting things done, there are fears that their expectation would not be met because of apparent delay in treatment and recovery.

Nevertheless, we hope that an equally capable replacement would be found soon. Perhaps it is time that full preventive health services be made available to all parliamentarians to keep them fit for their duties and responsible to the nation.

Anthony G. Stewart, PhD