Re: Relocation of Asphalt and Concrete Plants to Gibson Corner
Our Readers' Opinions
January 17, 2020

Re: Relocation of Asphalt and Concrete Plants to Gibson Corner

EDITOR: On January 4, 2020 the residents of Gibson Corner were notified of this plan, by a consultant for BRAGSA, who was carrying out a survey regarding the impact of the proposed relocation of concrete and asphalt plant from Argyle to our residential area in Gibson Corner. By January 6, 2020, work began clearing the access to an area near the proposed site. This indicates that the survey was merely a sham and the voices/ views of the residents of Gibson Corner were not considered.

It is imperative that BRAGSA and the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines halt these plans and relocate the plants to an industrial site more suited to such operations, rather than a residential area and a delicate environment, also known for land slippage.

We are adamantly opposed to any such plans for multiple reasons, a few of which are set out below. We intend to take every action possible to halt them.

1. The area being considered is close to a residential area, a home for the elderly and capital city Kingstown, a hub for business and a densely populated area. The impact of the concrete and asphalt particulates on the lungs of vulnerable citizens including those at the nearby Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) will be detrimental. Further, the Lewis Punnett Home is being relocated nearby to Gibson Corner.

2. The impact of the pollutants from the plant(s), on the forest and the river in the area, would be devastating to flora and fauna in the immediate and surrounding areas.

3. The nearby Botanical Gardens, a national treasure, enduring tourist attraction and one of the oldest in the western hemisphere, housing delicate and unique flora and our national bird, in an attempt to

safeguard and propagate the species, will be negatively impacted.

4. The area is known for land slippage and therefore the likelihood of environmental pollutants as a result of industrial accidents is enhanced.

5. The roadway into the neighbourhood is already poorly maintained and will suffer further degradation and inconvenience to voters living in the area due to heavy equipment moving along the one point of entry/exit to the main highway.

Research shows that concrete and asphalt plants can cause air pollutants that are hazardous to the lungs of residents and can create asthmatic conditions and compromise the lungs of the elderly and very young both of whom live in and around the proposed site.

There is a home for the elderly, nearby preschools and primary schools, as well as the relocation of the Lewis Punnett home for the elderly and destitute.

We are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to halt the relocation of concrete and asphalt plants to our neighbourhood in Gibson Corner given the likely impact on the health of our citizens and other negative repercussions for the natural environment.

The results of this, would be devastating to the quality of life for residents of Gibson Corner and its surroundings(this type of pollution cannot be contained) and it would create a long term change to the eco-system, including forest and waterways, as well as animal and plant life.

Sincerely, Alinda Hypolite – on behalf of the concerned residents of Gibson Corner