Increase in arrests of suspected criminals encouraging
Our Readers' Opinions
September 28, 2018

Increase in arrests of suspected criminals encouraging

EDITOR: It is rather encouraging the increase in arrests, by police, of suspects involved in crimes. We always bash the police, but if we are honest we should commend them for their swiftness of late, in apprehending the suspected criminals.

It is not just the recent situation with the minister’s wife, but there are others who were arrested within 24 hours. For that, we say well done officers.

Of course it is also encouraging how technology has been assisting in apprehending these suspected criminals. It is indeed an improvement which we ought to be thankful for. The CCTV has played an important role of late, and will continue to play a very important role, along with cellular phones and other devices.

Having heard of the role CCTV has played, I will continue to encourage businesses and private citizens to have these cameras on their property. However, I know that it can be costly and many may not be able to afford one.

Therefore I am soliciting the help in government in granting duty free concessions on these cameras even if it is only for a period of time. By doing so, it would encourage persons to purchase and install these cameras on their properties both at home and at the work place. This can aid in reducing crimes and solving of it.

I am sure that many persons who are concerned about the crimes would welcome the news by the Prime Minister concerning the purchasing of CCTV and having them installed at various points.

While it is indeed commendable and welcome news about the efforts of the police in discovering making swift arrests let us hope that once found guilty these perpetrators will feel the full weight of the law.

Let us continue to work with the police and by doing so we are also making ourselves and that of our children, relatives and friends, feel safe, when there is some assurance that the criminals will be caught and put behind bars.

Kennard King