Our Readers' Opinions
December 29, 2017
What does Christ have to do with Christmas?

Editor: The origins and current celebrations of Christmas do not show any real connection with Christ. It is commonly touted as “the best time of the year, a time to get together, a time to share, time to eat, drink, shop and be merry.” Who really remembers Jesus in the hustle and bustle? Maybe in a parang/song, we may hear “put Jesus in yo Christmas?” Or a pastor, knowing that there is no scriptural evidence for Christmas may still falsely inform his congregation to remember that “Jesus is the reason for the season.”

Though some may not be interested in the historical roots of the festivity, the ancient and modern reality of it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and His birth. The annals of history are clear and readily available. To celebrate December 25 as Jesus’ birthday is not a mandate from Christ nor His disciples. It was given by Pope Julius I in the fourth century ACB.

Historian Alexander Hislop tells us “indeed it is admitted by the most candid of writers of all parties that the day of our Lord’s birth cannot be determined, and that within the Christian church no such festival as Christmas was ever heard of till the third century, and that not till the fourth century, was far advanced did it gain much observance.”

The circumstances surrounding Christ’s birth do not lend themselves to a December birth either. Luke 2: 8 tells us “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.”

“Now, no doubt the climate of Palestine is not so severe as the climate of this country; but even there, though the heat of the day be considerable, the cold of the night from December to February is very piercing, and it was not the custom for shepherds of Judea to watch their flock in the open fields later than about the end of October.” The two Babylons, Alexander Hislop.

And today…that unbiblical commemoration continues, mainly with gluttony, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the eating of swine flesh, which God calls “unclean” (Leviticus 11:7) for food. “Christmas is ham.” says one little girl in a song. She spoke for many! Also, the increased extravagance practised testifies to the worldliness of the festivity. The false religious teaching (Christmas) of Babylon continues to influence many and “the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies”(Revelation 18:3). Businessmen make plenty money in sales in the name of ‘celebrating the birth of Christ.’

A real appreciation for the life of Christ is still not shown by the majority. Jesus walked the earth 2,000 years ago. He died, resurrected and left us the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper to commemorate His death. When we do this, through the Holy Spirit’s promptings, we show that sin (which caused His death) is horrible, and should be forsaken. We repent and receive the life (the truth) of Christ to make us and keep us free from sinning. Sin-freeness, which is conversion, is our greatest need and is the greatest Gift. To receive it is to accept and honour Christ as the Saviour. “…and thou shall call his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from their sins” Matthew 1:21. Christ is no more a babe in a manger. He is now High Priest (Hebrews 8:1-3) in the second apartment of the heavenly sanctuary ministering grace for salvation. He is returning soon to take His obedient children and put retributive judgement on the wicked, unrepentant ones. How shall you stand?

Ann-Marie Ballantyne
