Our Readers' Opinions
December 22, 2017
Not seeing these so-called Internet ‘improvements’

Editor: On Friday, I read of director Knights of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) extolling and celebrating the implementations of the IXP (Internet Exchange Point).

This was supposed to increase Internet speed, increase band width, reduce latency, etc.

Saturday, I spent the day, utilizing three different browsers, attempting to access various websites. On the few occasions I was able to actually reach a site, I was unable to open anything within it. My Internet access has always been spotty – off again, on again – and slow at best. Now it is non-existent.

I operate a home business which relies on Internet access. I was paralyzed. If the current Government continues to make any more “improvements” in Internet access, I will be shut down completely.  

And then there is probably no point in my saying that half of the Flow cable channels that I want to watch (and already pay for) and are now blank or listed as “having problems connecting” for the last couple of months. 

Thanks, Flow, thanks, NTRC, and of course, many thanks to the ULP administration for facilitating the demise of my business. If it “helps” me much more, I’ll be forced to take my wife and family and business and leave the country.
