Our Readers' Opinions
January 10, 2017

To SVG with love

Editor: Happy New Year! Yes, it is finally 2017. As usual, at the beginning of each new year much is expected.

Youlou Arts Foundation is positioning itself to do something which is very special for the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines. The organization has been dreaming, planning and fund-raising towards this effort for many years and finally the nation will have a dedicated space for the visual arts.

The Youlou Art Centre will be publicly launched March 4th. It is a very exciting time for the visual artists in St Vincent and the Grenadines; they will have every reason to be hopeful and excited. The launching of the Youlou Art Centre, at Villa Beach, is an exciting, cultural event. It means, finally the organization will have a home. For 16 years Youlou Arts has been offering a visual arts programme to the children of SVG. At the end of every programme the art supplies were packed up and stored in the Singer warehouse in New Montrose, a space graciously offered to the organization by Mr Ian Veira. The supplies would be left there until the following year. Having the centre means the supplies can be used throughout the year. It also means art workshops can be offered to the public, not only to children, but to adults as well. Visual artists will have a dedicated art space where they can show their work. The public can now come to the centre and view artists’ work, and hopefully feel inspired to buy some art.

There is no question about it, the space is delightful; it is right by the sea and looks out to Young Island.

The hope is for the public to come and relax while enjoying the art and hopefully enroll in an art making workshop. The expectation is for the public to frequently visit the centre and enjoy.

Starting in February, there are plans afoot to hold several workshops.

There will be an art workshop for CXC students. Ms Sherika Sayers will be teaching this workshop. She will be teaching CXC students how to succeed in their art exams. This workshop will be meeting on Saturday mornings.

There will be a painting workshop led by Ms Cecile Comblen, for children aged 5 to 10. The workshop will also start in February. The day and time is to be decided.

Then, on Monday, February 20th, through Thursday, February 23rd, Ms Hilary Auty, a British jeweller who designs and makes costumes for the stage, will be holding a series of workshops that week. She specializes in wedding tiaras, hair decorations and head dresses. She will be offering a total of four workshops, each one from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. These workshops are for ages 15 and up. The public is invited.

On the actual day of the public launch, March 4th, there will be a fund-raiser at the Art Centre and Gallery. It will take the form of a cocktail party, with an Art Show and Sale. There will be entertainment, food and wonderful “grab bags” for sale. It promises to be an enchanting evening by the sea. Tickets will be on sale in the coming weeks.

The public is encouraged to support Youlou Arts Foundation. It is an organization which encourages and nurtures the arts in SVG.

During the coming weeks there will be more information on the workshops and the launch.

Please keep checking the Youlou Arts Foundation Facebook page and the blog:youlouarts.wordpress.com

Camille Saunders Meusser