My hope for this nation in 2017 and beyond
Editor: Let me take this opportunity to wish you and staff all the best for this year, 2017 and also to all our many readers. As we begin this New Year, it is important that we leave the past behind and press on with many positive attitudes.
This year, I suspect would be a challenging year. There would always be many challenges financially and otherwise. However, as we seek to move forward, there are some things many of us would like to see given some attention. Amongst them are the finishing of the Leeward Highway, with the corrective measures put in place to remedy some of the potholes that are already present in the newly resheeted roads and the sinks in some areas.
A reduction in crimes ought to be top of the list. We, as a people, need to forgive and respect lives. We have to realize that every life we take will bring the wrath of God upon those who commit such crimes. Let love be magnified amongst us.
It is my hope that some attention be given to families and that fathers would take their responsibilities seriously. We have far too many single parents in this nation. Let us pray that the families would be stronger and that relationships last a lifetime. For there are far too many divorces in our nation. These separations do have a negative impact on the children, which in turn causes many ill-disciplined amongst the children. This can also lead to many social ills in society.
It is my hope that this year we would see an improvement in the representation and presentations by parliamentarians in the House of Assembly.
It is my hope that attention be paid to some of the small things, such as: proper drainage, controlling of water from private homes running on to the public roads; the money that would be spent in restoring to normalcy the lives in Sandy Bay and good defences for water. Having said that, as VINCENTIANS, we have the responsibility to properly dispose of our garbage, control and clear the logs that are left in the mountains; for when it rains heavily, the logs wash downstream and there is destruction, as was seen last year November.
Let us hope that this year will be, for many of us, a successful year. Let us, hope that some attention would be paid to some roads, rivers and bridges. Let us, as a people, spend more time sharing GOD’S word than in pulling down each other. Let us become a righteous nation and not a religious nation.
May GOD bless SVG and may we live in love and peace. Love you all.
Kennard King