Our Readers' Opinions
July 19, 2016
‘Low me let me live me life’

Editor: Judgement, like many other acts, is a daily practice. No one can ever truly concede to the opinion that he or she does not judge. Our very minds were created to perform this act. Notwithstanding, many attempt to resist the expressed judgements of others in living by the mantra “low me let me live me life.” Such a life statement does not only house the desire to not hear the corrective judgement of others, but it also highlights a reluctance to change one life’s pattern in conformity to righteous judgement.{{more}} They live their lives in accordance to the dictates of their own minds and frown upon exhortation and rebuke as their souls only become more settled in a state of disobedience. They may hasten to use the mental shield “let God alone judge me,” but little do they understand that God works through men to give correction for his praise. Paul, in 2 Timothy chapter four, verse two, exhorts Timothy to “preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.” He (Paul) also encourages Titus to “…speak and exhort,and rebuke with all authority…” – Titus 2:15. These two texts from the scriptures clearly show God’s work in using men to make and utter corrective judgement. They show that the mantra “low me let me live me life” is nothing but a fallacy of the soul.

The wise man Solomon reveals that the position taken by those who shield themselves by the mantra at issue is wrong. He encourages in Proverbs 19:20 to “Hear counsel and receive instruction…” Hence persons ought not to be establishing a habit of refusing to take heed to correction or counsel from others. Instead, rebuke and correction from others should be appreciated and valued. Proverbs chapter nine verse eight shows “…rebuke a wise man and he will love thee.” Strikingly, this text implicitly shows that it is foolish for anyone to despise, lightly regard or resist judgement. “Hear instruction and be wise, and refuse it not” indicates Proverbs 8:33. It is not falsehood to state that a life led solely by the promptings of what you think is right is disastrous. There are people with whom you co-exist who have gained wisdom through experience and reading and are able to instruct you in the right way. The benefit of submitting to these people is glorious. In following expressed wisdom you will obtain a prosperous life (see Eccl 7:12), which includes honour (see Prov 8:18), strength (see Prov 7:19), protection (see Eccl 7:12), happiness to parents (see Prov 15:20), peace (see James 3:17) and other blessings which you will acquire as you live. What is there to lose? Many people may desire to live their lives as they please, but I am convinced that none wants to be a fool. “Hear counsel and receive instruction that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.” – Proverbs 19:20.

Mbeki Swift
