Our Readers' Opinions
June 3, 2016
Will we obey Christ’s command?

Editor: While travelling in a minivan on the way home, it was so heartening to hear a conversation a man was having with a Christian lady. In part, the man was saying: “The churches must go out and visit people at their homes to preach the gospel…” The lady agreed, admitting that they really need to do so. A Christian makes a sincere effort to be like Jesus Christ, not perfectly, since all have inherited sin. Romans 3:23.{{more}} But he/she tries to follow Jesus closely. Jesus went out and preached the gospel of the Kingdom. Matthew 4:23. According to Luke 4:43, Jesus said that preaching the Kingdom of God was the MAIN reason God sent him to Earth. Jesus’ apostles preached with him too. Matthew 10:5 – 7, 11 – 13; Luke 8:1. After all, they were Christians. Acts 11:26. After Christ went back to heaven, they continued preaching about Christ and God’s Kingdom. Acts 1:8; Acts 5:42; Acts 28:23, 31. At Matthew 28:19, 20, Jesus told his followers to GO and teach all nations and he promised to be with them all the way down to the end of the world. Will church leaders be willing to discuss this matter among themselves? Preaching about God’s Kingdom, His Righteous heavenly Government, is important! Isaiah 9:6, 7. Why? (1) This Kingdom (Government) will remove ALL problems of the world – sickness, death, crime etc. (Revelation 21: 4; Psalm 37:10, 11) That is why we pray, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth.” Matthew 6:9. (2)Best of all, we please God and His Son Jesus Christ. John 14:15; John 15: 10, 14. Will we obey Christ’s command to preach?

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