Learning to resolve conflict in politics
We have heard and sometimes seen where unresolved conflicts end up in death, injuries of various kinds and even divorce or separation in some cases. Thus, solving conflicts is of paramount importance for a peaceful nation, home, community, church and even work-place.
In resolving conflicts, both parties must be honest about their weakness and sometimes contributions they may have made in prolonging the conflicts or even contributing to it. Honesty requires humility. Both parties must be humble enough to say I am sorry after admitting to the wrongs when they occurred. It is not both individuals fighting to be right and none willing to let go. Oftentimes, this prolongs and strengthens the conflicts which leads to a disastrous end. No two people in an argument or conflict are right. Sometimes, it is also a matter of interpretation and opinion that we hold on to and are not willing to give in. This, we know, can strengthen the conflicts and makes them unresolved. It takes a real humble person to let go, even when he/she is right.
Failure to let go and wanting to be right is a sign of pride. Now, it is not in every case that any one individual is always right. This situation is often too prevalent, which does lead to conflicts.
Openness is another important ingredient in conflict resolution. Both partners and parties must be open to suggestions and solutions. But when there is no openness, but rather a closed attitude that I am right and know it all, then this is a recipe for disaster.
More can be said, but I would like to mention the last ingredient and that is willingness. There must be willingness on both sides to be forgiving, apologize and accept change. There must be willingness in some cases to compromise and even submit. Too often, one partner is willing to change and have the conflicts resolved, while the other partner is unwilling to change and have a resolution.
The words spoken in conflicts many times are meant to hurt. Let us be reminded by JAMES 3:5,6: “The tongue is also a small part of the body, but it can speak big things. See how a very small fire can set many trees on fire. 6 The tongue is a fire. It is full of wrong. It poisons the whole body. The tongue sets our whole lives on fire with a fire that comes from hell.â (New life Version). Also in Proverbs 15:1, we are told that a soft answer turned away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.
Therefore, we can add fuel to the flame in conflicts by the words we say or we can out it by the soft answer or kind words.
Let us, as a people, seek to have peaceful and stable homes, communities, churches, nation and even workplace. Let us have our conflicts resolved.
Kennard King