Our Readers' Opinions
October 14, 2014

Chippy deserves better treatment

Tue, Oct 14, 2014

Editor: As a boy attending the Marriaqua Government School, I used to observe a number of persons working around several large tray-like structures filled with nutmegs on the premises of Chippy Browne.{{more}}

I silently envied my schoolmates who often boasted about going to pick up nutmegs to sell by Chippy.

I heard several stories of persons in the Marriaqua Community who found themselves in trouble with the law; Chippy would bail them or lend them the money to pay their fines.

Editor, there was a boutique in Kingstown; customers had the luxury of getting their garments and pay when they could; many never did.

Widely circulated reports indicated Chippy invested a lot in politics, specifically in the former Labour Party, comprising Vincent Beache and Kenneth Browne, among others.

Chippy was generous to the Marriaqua Community, including his neighbours. Many benefitted from his business; maybe his sons were too busy being lazy to have continued the family business, even with University degrees.

Chippy deserves better treatment! The man simply wants to live out the rest of his life in peace and die with some dignity.

There are people who could have prevented this present calamity; they need to step up and do the right thing. It’s not too late! I am not saying Chippy did not make mistakes, but ‘the man nah deserve this.’