Our Readers' Opinions
January 28, 2014

Hold your head up high Eustace

Tue Jan 28, 2014

Editor: There is no politician in SVG who can measure up to Ralph Gonsalves our greatest Prime Minister, the greatest politician in the Caribbean.{{more}}

But no-one in SVG could have done a better job in opposition than Arnhim Eustace…Period …

To anyone who say otherwise I’d say ‘In your dreams’.

Some found the heat in the political kitchen too hot. They took the coward’s way out… Can’t beat them, join em…

Eustace was left on his own to face the great political man-mountain and the most amazing speaker of the house…

Eustace should not feel bad. He should be commended for his contribution to the democratic development of our nation.

You are a winner Arnhim. Hold your head up high…

Avil Cupid