Our Readers' Opinions
July 12, 2013

Another high blood pressure elections?

Fri Jul 12, 2013

Editor: On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at about 9 p.m., I was watching the Unrendered programme on IKTV, hosted by Mr Tony Regisford.

The other two persons on the panel were Mr Fitzgerald Huggins and Mr Stephen Joachim. Both men seemed to know a lot about Vincentian politics.{{more}} During the early part of the discussion, Mr Joachim said that 45 per cent will always vote for the ULP and 45 per cent will always vote for the NDP. Therefore, the other 10 per cent will decide who wins the elections. Also, both men were saying in a nutshell that the three Kingstown seats are very likely to be retained by the NDP. I don’t hold that view. Let’s say, however, that his prediction is correct, what is the ULP doing to pull back those Kingstown seats?

Mr Fitzgerald Huggins rightly said that candidates were placed in all three Kingstown seats too late for the 2010 General Elections. I earnestly hope such will not be the case in 2015. Any candidate coming on board after November, 2013 is too late to penetrate 7,000 plus voters in each constituency in Kingstown. Technically, I am sending a warning concerning complacency. Some people will say I don’t have to work hard because as long as ULP wins Government, my job is safe. These are people who like high blood pressure elections. I believe the ULP has done enough in this country to secure a comfortable victory in 2015. During the counting of votes in the 2010 General Elections, all the die-hard persons on the side of ULP and NDP, blood pressure moved from being normal (120/80) and went up significantly to stroke level range of 180/120. I believe some persons’ blood pressure even went higher than what is listed here. The question is if we are going to settle for another situation in 2015. I am not going to turn on my radio and television sets until the following day. Why am I doing this is because I simply don’t appreciate one-seat majority.

On The Ground Observer