Our Readers' Opinions
March 1, 2013

Tribute to Mrs Norma Keizer

Fri Mar 01, 2013

by Yvonne Mayers
Past Student GHS

Mrs Norma Keizer, you are gone.
I did not get to say farewell;
To a teacher, a mother, a mentor, a friend
You’ve gone to the great beyond.
St. Vincent mourns and misses you.
Such an educator, such an intellect, such a personality, such creativity.{{more}}

Our teacher you were, our mentor you were,
You gained our respect.
Even with that calm and serene voice, “Girls be quiet”,
then you can hear if a pin drops.
We admired you, you inspired us, you treated us as your children.

You taught us to hold our heads up high
You taught us to be fond of virtue more than gold.
You taught us at the Girls’ High School to let our light so shine, and to believe in God,
And you delighted in hearing us sing, “Per ardua ad alta”.

Gone but not forgotten.