Our Readers' Opinions
February 22, 2013

Economic sustainability – St Vincent and the Grenadines – Part 1

Fri Feb 22, 2013


Economy does not lay in spending money, but in spending it wisely.

– Thomas Huxley

With the buzz of a new budget for this year, many questions linger and the most important being how much money there is to support our country’s needs. If it is available, how much of it is being used wisely? Is our government working efficiently enough to fully utilize the human and physical resource; to promote the creation and keeping of jobs and generate revenue to remain in the country; and at the same time reduce the bill of foreign debts? {{more}} If it is, what are the steps being taken to accomplish these goals?

It is a fact that for non-communist countries, the party in opposition has and embraces the right to criticize every flaw, fault and unnecessary practice performed by the ruling party. Yet, when the tables are turned and if the opposition wins, the cycle is repeated. What more can each political party accomplish than the other by constantly brewing on their mishaps? Instead of using the opportunity to promote their performance and challenge the opposition party to better govern a country, political parties are literally making fools of themselves trying to bring their fellow brethren down, just for power, wealth, public humiliation and to gain a few cheap votes around election time with bribery.

In all fairness, a country’s economy does not just thrive on money. It is one of the primary initiatives that are fully dependent on excellent governance. Inasmuch, to effectively govern a country, a party (individualised by its members) must govern itself. How can citizens have faith in a political party if it is unable to produce candidates representing the voice of the people and having controlled and cooperating members to carry out their mandate?

Sad to say, that the situation has become so unhealthy, we have turned against our fellow brethren because of political affiliation. Evidence is too much for the segregation of individuals to properly communicate because of a tense subject that may pop up. To imagine that simply wearing ‘party colours’ evokes an automatic stereotype by onlookers is appalling and childish. Persons are left jobless, homeless and in some cases destitute, because of politics. Yet, sometimes we question the reasons for engaging in the drug trade and other underhand practices. Is this issue present only in St Vincent and the Grenadines? No. It is a world-wide crisis.

Bearing the description of a third world country, St Vincent and the Grenadines relies upon the government to make decisions that will direct creative and innovative ways of promoting a fruitful economy. Currently, work is in progress for the completion of the anticipated Argyle international airport funded by the IADC. It is predicted that for the millions of dollars invested in this venture, whether directly or indirectly influencing the country’s dwindling funds, there are many benefits to be reaped in the near future. Let’s hope this is true.

There have been many efforts to hopefully persuade, educate and enlighten the public on the advantages brought about by an international airport – one of the most compelling being faster air travel and less succumbing to the euphemisms of the LIAT airline. Personally, I expect that business entrepreneurship will come to fruition on a larger scale, not only for the development of foreign businessmen, but more so for locals as well.
The growth and creation of local businesses is greatly anticipated, a necessary undertaking that would serve to re-boost the country’s economy after dealing with such a project. The ease of access for tourists to our country – an overly used enticement for locals, should propose plans for an influx of income. The creation of employment opportunities is expected to escalate. It is also deemed that this would propel educational benefits for the country’s children. These are all thrifty and appealing goals, endorsed by our government and officials of the project; but let’s take a closer look and assess how beneficial this will be to the country and its citizens…

Further discussion in part 2.

Elizabeth Bullock