Our Readers' Opinions
November 23, 2012
Sodomites by birth or by choice – a biblical response to homosexuality and same sex marriage

Editor: Please permit me space in your newspaper to address a very topical subject that in this writers’ humble opinion is having devastating consequences on the moral fabric of our society.

Madame Editor, you and I, though not so old, are old enough to know that there was a time in our society where black was black and white was white, right was right and wrong was wrong.{{more}} But, in recent times, it seems as if most people in our society have all of a sudden gone colour blind. We are now faced with a lot of grays; whereas in the past, right was right and wrong was clear as black and white.

Now we have created a wide category of grays, as the boundary lines continue to shift; right has become wrong and wrong has become right. Our society is pressured to accept everybody’s lifestyle and every truth as equally moral. People no longer talk about virtue, but much is said about values.

No wonder the Psalmist David asked the question several centuries ago, “When the foundations are destroyed what will the righteous do”? We are living in an age where many people believe that there are no absolute truths; self serving behaviour is rampant and tramples the moral law given by God for the protection of society.

Our culture prides itself on the freedom that is actually slavery to sin. But there is a God who is absolute, whose scale never loses its adjustment. With Him a pound is a pound right is right and wrong is wrong. He said in Malachi 3:6 “I the Lord do not change”.

Homosexuality by birth or by choice? Due to the effort and supposing success of the people in several countries of the world, including the United States of America, who openly promote and practise sodomy and same sex marriage, it is important that society knows the biblical truth concerning such behaviour. I am therefore compelled, as a preacher of the gospel for in excess of four decades, as it will be remiss of me to sit back and watch members of our society who make a conscious decision to be what they choose to be, mislead the society and especially our young people, hence my response caption, “Homosexuality by birth or by choice”.

The lives of our young people are too precious to be misled and deceived in regards to sodomy or homosexuality, as it is referred to today. They deserved to be told the truth.

According to a poll taken by the Knoxville news on June 4th 2004, 88 per cent of national journalists said society should accept homosexuality; can you imagine the influence those journalists have upon the unsuspecting youth of that nation? Their approval of sodomy could be the boost for many who have already entertained perverted thoughts in their heart and mind; for many people, public approval is interpreted as a legal licence to openly commit that which in time past was forbidden or done in secret.

Individuals and couples are frequently interviewed on national television concerning their homosexual lifestyle and invariably their answer is “This is just the way I am”, or “this is the way God made me.” Is this a true statement, or is the media consciously helping to promote such aberrant behaviour?

They will also interview medical and behavioural experts to substantiate the idea that sodomites have nothing to do with lifestyle choices, saying it is genetic. According to this expert, their sodomy began at birth, caused by some gene involved with the transmission and development of hereditary characteristics. One would be amazed at how many people accept those medical reports as truth.

The ultimate authority on all issues, including homosexuality, is God’s Holy Word. Is the Bible in agreement with what we are being taught about homosexuals and their right to such a lifestyle? A wise person will seek to know and understand what God has to say about such behaviour and submit to His truth.

To be continued