Our Readers' Opinions
August 3, 2012

Vincentians fed up with the constant disrespect in Parliament

Fri, Aug 3. 2012

Editor: The House of Assembly is a reflection of the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines. The reason I say this is because the ones in Parliament are the ones whom we elect to serve as parliamentarians, with expectations that they will serve with integrity. When the ULP made the promise to broadcast Parliament live, it was encouraged by all Vincentians.{{more}}

The Speaker of the House of Assembly is Mr Hendrick Alexander. He once was a Senator under the St Vincent and the Grenadines Labour Party. Leadership is not strange to Mr Alexander; he has a lot of experience and his experience should guide him. He knows the House rules. What seems to be the Speaker’s problem?

While Prime Minister Gonsalves is the Leader of the House of Assembly, Mr Alexander must understand that he’s expected to lead with impartiality. Could Vincentians say Mr Alexander demonstrates quality leadership?

Is Mr Alexander intimidated by the Prime Minister? Mr Alexander, are you threatened by Members of Parliament Cummings and also Leacock, who said he will not let up on you, Mr Alexander? Mr Alexander, when Parliament is finished, you are the subject of discussion; that tells you something is wrong.

Do you think your favour of the ULP creates problems for you as Speaker?

Vincentians are fed up with the constant disrespect shown in Parliament.

Mr Alexander, in the interest of democracy, I think you should resign.

My replacement for you is Mr Jomo Thomas. Mr Alexander, this is not an attack on you sir, but my interest is in the development of St Vincent and the Grenadines and that should be the interest of all Vincentians.

The Honourable Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves should ask you to resign, because he boasts about his love for his country and with your lack of impartiality, the House cannot function as it should. Let’s start the improvement by removing Mr Alexander as the Speaker of the House.

I’m also suggesting that the members of the NDP learn the House rules and apply them. The Prime Minister takes advantage of members of parliament who don’t understand and study the House rules.

If all members of parliament understand and interpret the rules, well, we would have a better Parliament. All the best to Mr Alexander.

Kingsley DeFreitas