Our Readers' Opinions
December 6, 2011

Renwick Rose – A true Vincy hero

Tue, Dec 6. 2011

Editor: My name is Shemroy Roberts and I am a second year student at the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Community College, Division of Technical and Vocational Education. I want to join the many voices of people in expressing my profound appreciation for and thank you to Mr. Renwick Rose on winning the International Development Achievement Award 2011.{{more}}

Mr. Renwick Ellsworth Adrian Rose was announced the 2011 International Development Award Winner for his outstanding achievements, especially in the Agriculture sector. Congratulations to you, Mr. Rose, for your continued commitment and tireless work on behalf of the people and government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Thanks very much!

As Vincentians, we must always strive to congratulate each and every citizen of our blessed land who continues to contribute to national development. Undoubtedly, Mr. Rose’s contribution is very pronounced and deserves special mention.

This article reflects on the capabilities and the achievements of a True Vincy Hero who has fought a very dicey but effective battle on behalf of the Agriculture sector, the farming and rural communities and the nation as a whole.

Mr. Rose, the son of a tailor and a pre-school teacher, is a man of great humility and dignity, who encountered challenging times as an extraordinary youth, back in the days, long before I was born; that helped to mold him into a man of many talents, aptitude and creative ideas. He has given all this to the service of his country and people.

With pride and passion, Mr. Rose dedicated over forty years of his life to agricultural and rural development, not only in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, but the entire Caribbean region. In the early 1970’s, Mr. Rose struggled for political and civil rights for our people and against injustices and inequalities of the colonial system before independence. He later became associated with the farmers movement when he joined WINFA as its Program Officer, before advancing to the position of co-coordinator in the Windward Island Farmers Association (WINFA). Unlike today, the Fairtrade movement that was founded under the auspices of Mr. Rose was more grounded in other countries which were more deeply involved in the Agriculture business around the world, such as India; but due to the strong reputation and lobbying efforts of Mr. Rose and his colleagues at (WINFA), the Windward islands were able to embrace and benefit from the Fairtrade system that paid a better price for our bananas and helps to protect the environment and the health and welfare of the farmers.

Even now that Mr. Rose has retired from the position of coordinator of WINFA, he continues to play an active role in helping with rehabilitation work of the farmers of the islands that were affected by Hurricane Tomas.

He continues to lobby and campaign in Europe and other places to mobilize support for the cause of the farmers of the region.

Without a doubt, Mr. Rose has been a true patriot to the country of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Despite his active engagement at work, he still finds time to publish weekly articles in the SEARCHLIGHT newspaper, reflecting a wide range of topics that help to edify and uplift our peoples’ understanding and awareness to what transpires in today’s society and in the agricultural field simultaneously.

As Vincentians we need to draw inspiration from the work of Mr. Rose, as we should do from the work of other patriotic Vincentians. Mr. Rose shows that a man that has crossed the storms and battles of our nation is today acknowledged as a true Vincy Hero!

So, let us all congratulate the man for his contribution to the nation’s development. The man they called Mr. Renwick Ellsworth Adrian Rose, a true Vincy Hero. We appreciate and solute you, Mr. Rose, very much and just to let him know to just keep up the good works and by the grace of God, may he continue to succeed and excel every time at whatever he does.

Thanks very much and congratulations to you, Mr. Rose!

Shemroy Roberts
Division of Technical and Vocational Education.