Our Readers' Opinions
May 6, 2011

Eustace sent on pre-retirement leave?


Editor: Apparently, Sir James Mitchell has had enough of Arnhim Eustace. He wants no more. The founder of the New Democratic Party (NDP) is thought to have, through his own mechanisms, sent the Leader of the Opposition into pre-retirement leave.{{more}} Aside from the fact that Eustace is clearly tired, the recent disagreement with his political maker-and now breaker-has denied any possibility that he’d be allowed to stay on. Eustace suggested that Sir James was out of place when he discussed the Cocoa Project with Prime Minister Gonsalves without first informing him. What seems clear is that Eustace would have no further place in the leadership of the NDP.

Reports indicate that a young lady is now prostrating herself in the East Kingstown Constituency. She is not likely to win the favour of Sir James, though, since she is between 28 and 40 and is yet to have children. Another complication is the fact that the young men from Walvaroo City can’t quite figure out when the said young lady developed a community spirit.

In any event, the vacancy is more likely to provide Louise Mitchell-Joseph, Son Mitchell’s daughter, with the opportunity to make her political entry in the constituency where she lives in a fortress. Mitchell-Joseph resides near Cane Garden point, which is not too far from Bequia. She may intend to import support. Luke Browne, the ULP Caretaker for the constituency, continues to implement a constituency programme aimed at improving lives, even while he completes postgraduate work abroad and notwithstanding the results of the December 13 general elections. He, no doubt, is monitoring the developments.

East Kingstown Correspondent