Our Readers' Opinions
September 10, 2010

Employ more nurses at M. Cato Memorial Hospital

Fri, Sept 10, 2010

Editor: I would like to draw some light on our hospital and nurses. At our hospital there is old outdated equipment. We know this, but we also have a shortage of nurses employed.{{more}}

We are training nurses, but since last September 2009, no new nurses have been employed. Nurses have been sitting at home wondering when and if they will be employed. Some have gone to other places, but all cannot go. When they enquire about appointment, they are promised employment soon (soon is since the begining of the year).

The few nurses at the hospital are over worked, and get agitated easily. This should not be, since nurses are the persons who

care for us when the doctor has just fixed

us and left. When persons go to the Accident & Emergency Department, they can wait up to 10 hours and more before anything is done. Plus, we have nurses who have to be on a volunteer basis for months (this is ridiculous).

We need more nurses employed at our hospital!!! We are not fortunate like our PM to afford a private room and nurse for our loved ones. So I am asking the Government of St. Vincent why are our nurses are not employed and are still sitting home?

Calvert Knight