Our Readers' Opinions
March 12, 2010

Ridiculous, vulgar music from a Radio Station?


Editor: Due to a mechanical problem of my Old Piece (Car), my family has occasions to take Public Transport.

On Monday, March 8, instant, while traveling to Kingstown in a minibus, I heard the most ridiculous and vulgar music from a Radio Station. The host was so proud of his performance that he mentioned his name and said that he was filling in for an absentee announcer.{{more}}

On the bus were employees and school children. Persons, in my considered opinion, who should be focusing on their work plan for the day had to be subjected to music with lyrics of “Length of Pipe” and “It is the tightest I ever had”. I felt ashamed as I had my daughter and niece with me (though they may have heard the songs before or perhaps, enjoying them).

Immediately, my thoughts shifted to our value system. Indeed even if these songs are not banned by the authorities, we should still not play them publicly. Our radio stations’ management must sit with their team and guide them in their vision and purpose.

If a radio station target audience is young people… ask yourself, what is it we want our young people to achieve by listening to our radio station? Do we, as a radio station function as a shepherd to our young people? What time of day is appropriate to focus on a particular desired outcome?

I am full of sorrow for us as a people who are desperately trying to build a good and decent society, but due to certain constraints have to be exposed and conditioned to discretionate practices that can so easily influence us.

Had I not had the opportunity to travel in that bus that day, I would never have heard those songs or that radio station and that DJ disguising as an announcer. Mr Desmond Arindell should open a school or teach some evening classes to enlighten those willing to learn.

Collin D Cambridge