Gangster for life
Editor: Gangster for life is a popular song in this country. It is unfortunate that such a song is being allowed to be played on our radio stations. The stand taken by the Commissioner of Police is indeed commendable and must be supported.##M[more]##
We had some thirty six murders last year. This is far too many for a country this size. While we can argue that most of the crimes are not gang related, we cannot deny that a large percentage was gang related. We have built a mentality in this country that being a bad man, a rude boy or a gangster is showing our manhood. This is far from the truth.
This song and many other songs that our young people listen to and are promoted on our radio stations promote violence in many forms and sexual looseness.
I would hope for this year that as Vincentians we would desire to work together to reduce the crime rate and have a more peaceful country. So that we can truly be called, âHAIROUNAâ, the home of the blessed.
I take this opportunity to wish all Vincentians a peaceful and prosperous 2008 with Christ as their guide. I sincerely thank you Editor for allowing me to have my articles published in your newspaper, and for those who constantly look forward to my articles, I say thanks to those who have encouraged me, and even for those who sometimes disagree with my articles, I say thanks to you all.
May God bless us all.
Kennard King