Our Readers' Opinions
July 20, 2007

Some people are just authors of confusion


Editor: I wonder why certain persons in SVG just like to create bad situations and make life miserable for others.

A situation occurred because persons in this country, maybe at very high levels, sometimes do not take time out to make proper inquiries about what is reported to them. I am of the opinion that sometimes many of these people “leave earth and reside in the skies” so they are unaware of what happens on the ground.{{more}}

SVG is a small place and very often John Public knows who cannot work with whom; who do not want to work with certain people in positions above them. They also know who always go about complaining, blaming it on others, and do not perform. The answer to this can never be to create something new for me, or you, in order to get away from the problem. It is that a spade must be called a spade.

When such action is taken, it creates little dynasties for certain people who feel they have become untouchables and have become monarchs overnight. This for others is the beginning of serious friction and confusion. Those caught in the crossfire are, in most cases persons who are given responsibility by an administrative head, then “the emperor or monarch” takes it away. Instantaneously, persons receive “social-demotion” because they remain neutral and refuse to become embroiled in such politics of the organization.

It is unprofessional conduct when someone can state openly that he/she is not working under or with the official head(s) of any organization, and do not even want to hear the mention of their name(s), nor have anything to do with them. Then in the same breath want others to work with and under them. Is this not confusion?

I consider those who would create a higher position with a similar name to that of an existing one of lower rank within the same organization, the “author of confusion”. Bearing in mind the track record of the direct beneficiaries whose debates are more about form rather than substance, always complaining, blaming others and must find excuses for lack of performance. It is also an injustice to take innocent professional and hard working persons and thrust them into situations that are untenable and unhealthy, and also deliberately eliminate them from any of the financial gains.

Finally, if you entrust others with responsibility, therein lies a duty to inform when things changed and have the common decency to state why. It is lack of professionalism to allow them to hear through the grapevine and after the fact. It is also necessary for proper structures to be put in place to ensure higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness. Also do not be callous or stoic, there is need to mitigate the effects of the “flesh and blood” affected. In the absence of this, you are “the author of confusion”. In order for SVG to progress things must change, it cannot continue this way.
