Auditorium Project – A commitment to excellence
Editor: Achievements stem from an idea which when focused becomes the primordial and instinctive premise from which great endeavours become a reality. This reality as envisioned by the Auditorium Committee, expressly formed to bring the Auditorium Complex to a successful completion, is greatly enhanced by the desire to provide a structure where all students can participate in meaningful life inspiring purposes, as well as a place to congregate for communal and special occasions.
We are currently engaged in developing the process whereby this project could become a tangible expression of goodwill and certitude in bringing all elements of the society together to engage in a meaningful and desirable partnership for the benefit of the whole.{{more}}
We seek to fulfill this promise to coincide with the 100th Anniversary of the Girls’ High School in recognition of the role that our school has played, during that period of time, in the education of a large cross section of women, and some men, from various communities within our Island. It is said that “in educating a female, you educate a nation”, and so today the many young women who have passed through the portals of our Alma Mater join together to give credence to that old African saying.
We wish to assist our nation in moving forward into the 21st Century and give the many young men and young women who strive to achieve their highest potential the opportunity to do so within a new and meaningful educational and societal paradigm.
To this end we seek to exhort those who hold the power of decision making to apply the energy of love in debating the issues that confront and contribute to the fulfillment of this positive enterprise.
We also call upon Vincentians at home and abroad to embrace this opportunity to work with us, the past students of the Girls’ High School and The Boys’ Grammar School in the spirit of goodwill and national progress as we engage in bringing this project to a reality for all the students of tomorrow.
We are delighted to find that our vision is closely aligned with that of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Of course , almost a year ago when we first envisioned this concept of an Auditorium, we in no way desired to pre-empt the efforts being undertaken, and the vision pursued by the powers that be in creating a full based appeal within the confines of the political and social agenda.
We entertain a progression of infinitesimal and intellectual arrangements that give purpose to the adjunctive and positive dimensions that embrace the educational and social parameters to engage the youth of St.Vincent and the Grenadines in a meaningful way.
We feel deeply honoured in engaging this process whereby a Multi-purpose State-of-the-Art Centre will be seen as a positive and concomitant part of an existing framework within which we have maintained the attributes that will engage all the peoples of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
We eagerly await the response to our letter (dated August 21, 2006) from the Government of St.Vincent and the Grenadines regarding the site requested or a more appropriate site or locale which we hope can be contributed as a gift to this project.
Majorie Williams-Cuffy
Project Chair
Auditorium Committee