Bolome residents facing health hazard
Editor: The people of Bolome, Campden Park are facing a very serious problem and this has become a health hazard to the community. We are therefore asking the relevant authority please to do something to this before it causes chaos in the village.
There is a family of 11 living in a house in our village. The family is made up of five adults, four young children and two newborn babies, one is three months, while the other is one month.{{more}}
There are no toilet facilities in this house, so there’s nowhere for them to urinate or pass their stools. This has become a health hazard to the neighbourhood because of the unsanitary manner in which the family has resorted to disposing of their waste, including throwing it on the neighbour’s land, washing it down the drain and putting it among their garbage for the garbage truck to collect.
We have reported it several times to public health and there is nothing done about it. We have also served the Minister of Health who is the area representative with a letter concerning this problem, also the public health inspector and other health officials. Several residents have signed these letters that were sent out to these persons mentioned above, including the sister of the woman who is living in the house.
We the people of Bolome are therefore asking the relevant authority to do something about this for us.
Concerned Villagers