Our Readers' Opinions
May 5, 2006

Argyle move is a ‘hard sell’


Editor: Please allow me space to draw your attention to an article that appeared in your paper dated April 13, 2006, headlined, “United Kingdom Returnee: The package you put forward is not enough!”

When the Prime Minister finished his address, I was about to make my contribution when the Prime Minister said, “I remember you, you are the fellow who said your house is worth $2 million, and I said to you, I hope you pay taxes on $2 million and you categorically said no.” I said to the PM, “We will come to that later.” The PM was referring to our previous encounter. {{more}}

I found it strange that the PM spoke about a compensation package he said he might give us. I said to the Prime Minister that I was told by the English valuator it is our legal right to such a package, so why should he behave as if he is doing us a favour? After commenting he then said it is not a legal right.

I pointed out to the PM that when the valuator came to measure my house, I asked him what would be the criteria used to value my house as it is a solid stone round wall house, has a concrete roof and outside walls over 17 inches thick. The valuator said he would have to seek professional help. However he did say the house is UNIQUE.

How can anyone speak about market value on such a house? As far as I know it is the only one of its kind in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, hence my personal price tag of $2 million. Yes that is what it is worth to me. Nowhere did I say the package put forward is not enough and I did not demand that I be paid $2 million.

Editor, while I am on this subject, there is much talk about the size of the houses in Argyle. These houses are relatively small in comparison to other areas in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The people of Argyle have worked hard and made sacrifices for what they have, they are not squatters. It is very hard to change a way of life to which one has become accustomed. Yes, it is a very hard sell. And to the person who mentioned the sea blast, and the damage it does to our homes: Wouldn’t the same sea blast do the same to the airport? We love Argyle for its serenity and its beauty, so we have to be careful about the choices we make.

Alden D. Mapp

· Editor’s note: We acknowledge that we made a mistake in attributing to Mr. Mapp, the quote about the package put forward by the Government not being enough. We apologise to Mr. Mapp for any embarrassment caused.