Our Readers' Opinions
April 1, 2005

Level the playing field for people of Mayreau

Editor: I recently visited your beautiful islands of Bequia and Mayreau. The islands are very picturesque and Bequia is outstanding because of a very clean environment. The people here take pride in this, which is very commendable. All other islanders should emulate this.{{more}}

Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Mayreau are at a great disadvantage and the playing field must be levelled. My heart aches for them, especially the youths. There are lots of social problems, which include unemployment with its resultant poverty; low wages; lack of recreational facilities and no secondary education.

The children of Mayreau who desire to go on to the secondary level must travel by boat or ferry to Union Island or to St. Vincent.

Some stay with relatives or friends and must be funded by parents who are already disadvantaged. What is more astonishing, if an individual falls ill; members of the family have to risk lives and limbs on fishing vessels in order to go to Union to receive health care. This is not fair and must be dealt with expeditiously.

Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to make the following recommendations:

1. Transportation should be provided free of charge from Mayreau to Union and St. Vincent and return to all secondary school students

2. Those students who are fortunate to have relatives living in St. Vincent or Union and are desirous of staying with them should be given a special education allowance.

3. The people of Mayreau must be afforded reliable transportation in case they fall ill; or a resident Doctor or Nurse should be assigned in the island to give health care.

Roweena George