High praise for public servants
Editor: I have never hesitated to write a letter to the newspapers to criticize bad behaviour on the part of individuals or poor performance on the part of public servants and now wish to be equally prompt to praise excellent government service and customer oriented private sector behaviour. {{more}}
In light of the spate of recent drug seizures, we had been warned to expect difficulties and complications in the course of mailing out parcels. To the contrary, we found the several postal employees in the process of the transaction both courteous and helpful. The box we had brought with us was unnecessarily large, so, unsolicited, a smaller box that was a perfect fit was provided. The inspection process was quick and thorough, and valuable assistance was provided in repacking the items. The three individuals we dealt with were solicitous and knowledgeable, and the service was expeditious.
We had encountered some confusion and misinformation when applying for our new ID cards in our local community, but when we went to the Elections Office in Kingstown, the matter was handled quickly and professionally, the staff was pleasant and, again, professional.
The Government has a right to be proud of the performance of these individuals, and hopefully, their skills and expertise will not go unnoticed or unrewarded. They are the models of what service and deportment exhibited by staff dealing with the public should be.