SVGCC’s Sports Programme, bridging the gap
On Target
December 23, 2022

SVGCC’s Sports Programme, bridging the gap

There cannot be any discounting or undervaluing the role which the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC) Sports Programme is playing in the overall development of sports here.

There are competitions in Football, Table Tennis, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket and Track and Field.

Indeed, the various sporting disciplines that are practised at the college, have helped immensely in bridging that gap that exists following student- athletes’ exit from their secondary programme.

Too, with the School of Nursing and the Division of Teacher Education- part of the SVGCC’s set up, these members, many of whom finished their secondary education many years ago, get a second chance to compete.

More so, they step out boldly in physical activities, albeit with a semi- competitive mindset and approach.

Hence, the college’s activities exemplify the importance of sports and physical activities among tertiary students.

The well embedded structure has been framed to the point that the college currently offers Applied Associates Degree in Sports Science.

It is all coming together, as for years, there have been calls for the provision of opportunities for post -secondary school students to have an outlet to continue their craft.

The success of the programme cannot be counted only by the very commendable returns of results gained each year in Physical Education at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination(CAPE).

The stories are mounting about those who initially just for the fun of being part of a team or simply to make up numbers, have churned out players who can hold their own in the given standard of the various competitions.

Thus, the numbers involved and in the respective sporting disciplines would rise, so too would the interest and knowledge.

Importantly, the seasoned ones get to extend their hours of play and inevitably improve their abilities.

This is not to lessen the value of the relatively advanced players’ abilities that inject levels of standards in the competitions.

But beyond the students of the various faculties of the SVGCC, others from outside this establishment- the college too provides them with that added engagement.

Hence, some of the competitions are invitational whereby schools and clubs are allowed to compete for honours.

Again, this is another win-win situation, as the students from the different faculties and the invitees get additional competition, which can only augur well for all entities.

Now entrenched into the students of the college, as well as potential entrants and those schools that have forged alliances with the SVGCC’s Sports programme, the only way to go is up.

Therefore, all stakeholders, inclusive of the national sports associations, whose constituents for two years at the college get to hone their skills, the onus is on them to provide that support to the organisers.

Undoubtedly, these associations are the beneficiaries of the college’s sports programme, which in turn, aids the overall development of sports here in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

But as praises are sung of the programme itself, one has to give kudos to the current Sports Coordinator at the college- Roxell John. Over time, John has been able to fashion the competitions into well packaged formats.

Instructively, through his instrumentality, the competitions have gone through adjustments here and there. John’s tenacity, commitment, his unwavering passion for detail and excellence, whilst establishing network with others, have been the hallmark of the execution of the competitions.

Of significance too, is the support from the administrative apparatus of the SVGCC, as their inputs have buttressed the cause of the sports programme.

Whilst lauding the many virtues, the execution of the competitions is not immersed in perfection. As a consequence, it is for John and company to continuously do self – reflections and make better every event on the previous undertaking.

Whilst perfection is unattainable, making the best efforts at all times then is the only other option.

So as 2022 goes through its final stages, the year was not one of all glory.

However, as we take a little respite and enjoy the Christmas festivities, let us not forget that keeping to strive to maximize our output in sports, shall be our mantra.

A Blessed Christmas to all !!!!