Crown and Defense ask for mercy in brother against brother chopping death
From the Courts, News
June 7, 2024

Crown and Defense ask for mercy in brother against brother chopping death

Both Crown and Defence Counsel are in “total agreement” that a suspended sentence should be imposed on a man who is charged with killing his brother as there was “extreme provocation.”
Timmy “Bambi” Williams appeared at the High Court before Justice Rickie Burnett on May 31, 2024, where he heard sentencing submissions by the Crown in a matter in which Williams was charged that on May 27, 2021, in Lauders, by an unlawful act, he caused the death of Larry ‘Divey’ Williams, a 36-year-old farmer of Lauders.

Senior Crown Counsel, Richie Maitland who made the submissions on behalf of the Crown told the court that this matter is a “sad and sensational” one. He said that both brothers shared the same home, and Larry had a tendency of provoking his brother and a number of villagers. Maitland said that there was speculation among the villagers that the reason for Larry’s behaviour was due to a “particular issue that he struggled with.”

Counsel, Maitland continued that there was “extreme provocation in this case”. He said that Timmy, who was 38 at the time of the incident, and his girlfriend were hanging out in his bedroom, when Larry came across and started to throw things in the yard while armed with a cutlass. Timmy went to see what was happening and was chopped by his brother on his right shoulder and foot.

Immediately, Timmy pulled a cutlass and inflicted two chop wounds to Larry. Timmy then sought medical attention, while Larry refused to do so. Instead, Larry remained at home and was found dead on the following day. Counsel, Maitland told the court that Larry was the obvious aggressor in this situation, and said that suspended sentences must be given in exceptional situations.

Maitland also said that Timmy Williams is a man of good character. “He was not problematic. One can say, he was an outstanding citizen,” Maitland told the court. He added that after seeking medical attention, Williams went back to the scene and assisted the authorities.
“A mother has already lost a son and if it is that Williams is in fact…incarcerated, she will be in effect losing another son,” he said.

“The injuries on the accused could have been life threatening,” Maitland continued, adding that the only difference is that Larry did not seek medical treatment.

He said the Crown believes that Larry would have lived had he sought medical attention, so the Crown asked the court to apply mercy in sentencing Timmy. Defence Counsel Carl Williams, who represented Timmy in this matter told the court that he is in total agreement with the Crown’s submissions and that this is a case where a suspended sentence can be imposed. The matter is adjourned to June 14, 2024 for sentencing.