TSSS Art Exhibition Showcases Student Talent and Creativity
Art students of the Thomas Saunders Secondary School
May 31, 2024

TSSS Art Exhibition Showcases Student Talent and Creativity

Art students of the Thomas Saunders Secondary School (TSSS) are anticipating the recognition for the artwork ahead of the school’s art exhibition slated for today, Friday May 31.

The exhibition themed, ‘What it Means to Be Seen’ will feature an array of original art pieces from students of the TSSS who were tasked with preparing pieces with the sponsors of the exhibits in mind. It will be held at the school’s art room.

Form 2 student Cheneill Barker, told SEARCHLIGHT on Monday May 27, 2024, that she is looking forward to the much needed recognition of her work.

Barker shared that Shanique Stewart, co-ordinator of the exhibition, gave her the idea to create a KFC themed painting, and over the past three to four weeks, she has been working on her piece.

Barker’s painting depicts the iconic Colonel Sanders, centred around menu items of the franchise.

An art wall in the Thomas Saunders Secondary School art exhibit classroom

“I had difficulty drawing him because there’s so much details in him, but I eventually got there.”

Barker said her biggest challenge was getting Sanders’ correct skin colour; one of her classmates helped in this regard.

“In the original photo, you’ll see that he’s very pale…so she [classmate] mixed more white with it, and it’s coming along.”

Barker said she is looking forward to her free meal from KFC today, May 31, as much as she is looking forward to reviews about her work.

“More people will know that I can actually do work like this because all I do is doodle in books and stuff.”

Barker told SEARCHLIGHT that she recalls doing art for most of her life.

“I started with potato people, and then stick people, and then I progressed from there trying to improve my work. I drew my father once and I was very proud of myself.”

Barker said her parents are supportive of her art, and also prioritise her overall education.

“They’ll be proud of me doing this because I was not that great at it,” she quipped.

Nevertheless, Barker hopes to continue creating art pieces as she gets older.

“I don’t know what I want to be in the future, but I know I like art and I want to continue it…I want people to see my work. I don’t want people to see me,” said Baker as she confessed to being shy.

Also adding the final details to her work was form 4AS student, Kelize Samuel, whose painting is Frisko themed, another sponsor of the art exhibition.

Samuel, who is well versed in doing painting and murals, said that she was inspired while at primary school where she did comics for fun, “…but then I realised that there is more to it. There’s animation and other stuff to it”.

Looking back, she acknowledged that the quality of her work over the years, has improved which motivates her to keep on creating.

“I’ve slightly strayed away from comics and focusing on illustration more, but I’m trying to get back on the comics.”

Her exhibit painting is a combination of the Caribbean and an ice-cream land.

“…we’re in the Caribbean, and this is the tropics, so let’s make him [Frisko mascot] on a beach that’s themed around ice cream. So I went with that,” she said explaining the concept behind her piece.

Samuel is anticipating the exhibition to also view the work of others and receive some recognition for her work.

Form 2 student, Kyra King, told SEARCHLIGHT that she enjoyed assisting in the repainting of the exhibit room. King, who has less experience in painting than Samuel and Barker said she has found a new passion in painting.

“I’m better at it, it is more tidy because back then I use to get frustrated,” she said, adding that it has been only one year since she started painting. King said though that she has learnt one important lesson. “Painting in one direction is important, if you paint in another direction than you started, it will look messy.”

The young painter, who also has an interest in cosmetology, said both occupations require great patience.

“You have to take your time in both of them if you want to get the results you want,”she said.

“Doing hair makes me happy, and it is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time…it just brings me joy.”

King said she has a few friends whose art will be exhibited today, and she expressed support for them.

“I hope that people find their art attractive,” she said.