Works Minister promises new road surfaces by next February
May 28, 2024

Works Minister promises new road surfaces by next February


Many of the roads which are being built or repaired throughout St Vincent and the Grenadines will be completed by early next year, says Deputy Prime Minister, Montgommery Daniel.

Appearing on NBC radio on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in place of Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves who was in Taiwan on official business, Daniel, who is also Minister of Transport and Works, estimated that the bulk of this work should be completed by February, 2025.

The $120 million national roads rehabilitation project is being funded through a loan from Taiwan and farmed out to several contracting entities.

The Works Minister said the Roads Building and General Services Authority (BRAGSA), is working at 10 sites, and so too is the Taiwanese firm OECC; while work at 16 other sites is being undertaken by various other contractors.

This week, the OECC is expected to begin work on the Magum Road in north windward. That firm also is working on roads in Grand Sable, Colonaire, Peruvian Vale, Belair and other areas, the minister said. They are also constructing a bus stop at Diamond, along the Windward Highway; and BRAGSA is continuing realignment work at the main road at Shipping Bay, and on other roads, including the Brighton Salt Pond Road and the road in Noel.

The minister was upbeat about the performance of the contractors engaged at the various road sites.