Man with a history of firearm offences jailed for illegal possession of ammunition
Joshua Orman Raguette
From the Courts, News
May 24, 2024

Man with a history of firearm offences jailed for illegal possession of ammunition

Joshua Orman Raguette, 36 years old, appeared at the Serious Offences Court before Senior Magistrate, Colin John on Tuesday May 22, 2024, where he pleaded guilty that on Friday May 17, 2024, at Ottley Hall, he had in his possession one round of 12-gauge ammunition without a license issued under the Firearms Act.

The facts read that on the date in question, acting on information received, PC 1074 Richardson and PC 117 Browne were dispatched on duty in Ottley Hall at a shop, at about 10:15 p.m dressed in uniform of the Rapid Response Unit. Raguette was met in the vicinity of the said shop. PC Richardson identified himself, along with PC Browne to Raguette as police officers, and informed him of the report that was made against him.

The officers asked him to go to the police station in Ottley Hall. PC Richardson requested a search of Raguette. When Raguette was searched, one round of 12-gauge ammunition was found in his front left pants pocket. PC Richardson pointed out the offence of possession of unlicensed ammunition to Raguette, to which Raguette responded, “officer, I found the round in front a church. I was lying down in the road and saw the round and think it was my lighter, and I take it up and put it in my pocket”.

Raguette was arrested under suspicion of possession of unlicensed ammunition. He was taken to the Central Police Station. On the following day, PC Richardson went to the Firearm Registry and made checks, where it was revealed that Raguette is not the holder of a firearm/ammunition license, nor is he a firearm or ammunition licensed dealer.

PC Richardson then went to the police station in Diamond and spoke with Sergeant Cain who is a gazetted ballistic expert. Sergeant Cain examined the round of ammunition and revealed that it was a live round of 12-gauge ammunition. Raguette was later charged for the offence of possession of unlicensed ammunition.

After the facts were read, Raguette told the court that he did not agree with the facts because he did not have the ammunition in his possession as his own.

“I found it on the ground…I thought it was my lighter that I take up,” he insisted.

Senior Magistrate John informed the court that Raguette has 17 convictions. In 2005, he was convicted for being in possession of an offensive weapon. In 2013, he was bonded for criminal assault where he pointed a gun at someone. In 2019, he was sentenced to three years in prison for being in possession of one Glock semi automatic pistol, and 1.5 years for being in possession of nine rounds of ammunition.

Ragguette told the court that he was last released from prison in April, 2023. John considered Raguette’s guilty plea, his previous convictions, the prevalence of firearm offences in the country, as referred to the sentencing guidelines. He sentenced Raguette to six months in prison for the offence of unlawful possession of ammunition.